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Freshen Up Your Curb Appeal With These Landscaping Ideas

Beautifying your property with a focus on curb appeal is a good idea all around—for you and your family’s enjoyment, whether you’ve been wanting to cultivate a green thumb, or focusing on improving the value of your home. With these ideas for curb appeal landscaping, you can beautify your home and reduce your energy bills up to 25% with the help of tree cover.

Landscaping improvement projects typically yield an impressive 100% return on investment, making it one of the most effective enhancements homeowners can make..

In this blog post, we’ll cover our top ideas for modern curb appeal, with recommendations for plants that are native to the Pacific Northwest, as well as ways to tell a story with the front of your home.

1. Consider the Entire Year

Use a mix of trees and shrubs that shine across different seasons. Evergreens retain their charm in winter, while flowering trees brighten up your garden in spring and autumn. You can also plant flowers that bloom sequentially for consistent garden color throughout the year.

If you’re interested in plants that best fits the environment of the Pacific Northwest, we recommend:

  • Trees: Western red cedar, Oregon white oak, Ponderosa pine, Magnolia trees
  • Shrubs: Rhododendrons, red flowering currant, red osier dogwood, peonies
  • Annuals: Farewell-to-spring, California poppy
  • Groundcovers: Coastal strawberry, wild strawberry, hardy geraniums, cotoneaster. (Groundcovers are a great option if you’re going for low-maintenance front yard curb appeal.)
Tips for Plant Planning

Group your drought-tolerant plants together. This method, known as “zoning,” optimizes your watering routine and care efforts, as these plants typically have similar water and sun exposure needs.

Before planting, assess the areas of your garden for sun exposure and drainage. Plant species that thrive in similar conditions together to promote healthier growth and reduce maintenance.

2. Complement Your Natural Surroundings

In regions dominated by evergreen conifers, like the Pacific Northwest, design your landscape to harmonize with the natural environment. Use elements like wood chips and native shrubs to mimic the local ecosystem and improve your front door curb appeal.

One way to do this, that’s also drought-resistant? Building pathways.

Create an inviting pathway leading to a welcoming front porch. Use natural stone or pavers for the path to draw the eye and enhance the natural flow to your home.

Natural stone is not only easy to maintain but also brings a dramatic flair to the landscape. Its unique beauty, where no two stones are alike, adds character. Natural stone runs from $12 to $50 per square foot.

Flagstone is a popular choice for walkways, patios, and paving. It is available in various types such as slate, granite, limestone, sandstone, and bluestone, each offering different textures and colors to suit any design aesthetic.

Beyond pathways, consider using natural stone for retaining walls, seating areas, and water features. With each application, you can enhance the overall appeal and coherence of your landscape design.

Looking for low-maintenance ideas for curb appeal? Check this out!

Source: Lawn Love

3. Make the Most of Your Porch

Begin by selecting a standout plant that captures attention and complements the style of your home. Consider incorporating decorative elements that reflect your personal style. This could include an ornate container or a unique sculpture, stylish outdoor rugs, distinctive door hardware, or a creative address plaque—instant curb appeal.

Is your porch comfortable and functional? If your entryway lacks protection from the elements, adding a portico can help with coverage. Make sure there is ample space on the porch; if the door’s swing reduces available space, consider expanding the porch or adding a mini patio to allow comfortable access and movement.

For larger porches, we recommend seating such as a garden stool or a swinging bench to create a welcoming and inviting area. This builds the aesthetic appeal and provides a space to enjoy and interact with your community.

Beautify your home with these ideas:

4. Have Unwanted Views? Screen Them Out

In garden design, creating privacy and masking less desirable views with plant life can effectively hide cars, garages, trash bins, or a neighbor’s trampoline. 

Consider using evergreen hedges for a dense, year-round privacy barrier. These are particularly effective for obscuring a home’s foundation or any unsightly areas. For a lighter, semi-transparent barrier, options like ornamental grasses, laser-cut metal screens, or trellises can provide privacy while still allowing light and air to filter through.

Additionally, integrating elements such as colorful art pieces or decorative plant containers can draw the eye away from unwanted views and towards deliberate visual highlights. 

When establishing a screen with plants, it’s important to space them properly. Avoid placing plants too close together. Consider the mature size of the plants—plan for their full height and width in the future to ensure they continue to serve their purpose without overcrowding.

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5. Make a Statement With an Arbor

When selecting materials for an arbor, make sure to choose wood that can withstand outdoor conditions.

These woods are particularly resilient to the outdoor:

  • Cedar and redwood: These woods are ideal for arbors as they are naturally resistant to moisture and rot. Both cedar and redwood also offer a pleasing aesthetic with their rich colors and grain patterns.
  • Treated wood: Pressure-treated wood is a cost-effective alternative that resists decay and insects. However, it’s important to consider that treated wood contains chemicals.
  • Untreated pine: For temporary structures or if you’re looking for front yard landscaping ideas on a budget, untreated pine can be used. Keep in mind that pine will not endure outdoors as long as cedar, redwood, or treated wood.

Plan your arbor to fit the garden space adequately. Standard dimensions might include a width of 60 inches and a height of about 81.5 inches, with a 36-inch opening between the posts, but adjust according to your specific needs.

Looking for ideas on what to grow on your arbor?

We recommend:
  • Clematis: This vine is a popular choice in the Pacific Northwest—what’s not to love about how easy it is to take care of, as well as the colors you can choose from?
  • Jasmine: With its delicate, star-shaped flowers and heavenly scent, jasmine is a delightful choice for any arbor.
  • Honeysuckle: Renowned for its sweet fragrance and attractive blooms, honeysuckle is a favorite for arbors. It offers a profusion of flowers that attract pollinators like butterflies and hummingbirds throughout its growing season.

6. Design a Garden for Your Mailbox

Start by selecting a mix of perennials and annuals that are low-maintenance and suited to your local climate. Adding a small vine like clematis to climb the mailbox post can create a vertical element of interest.

Incorporate annual flowers to keep the display vibrant and change the look each season. Annuals bloom throughout the summer, providing a continuous splash of color.

Use stones, bricks, or commercial edging materials to define the space around your mailbox. This not only enhances the garden’s appearance but also simplifies lawn mowing and prevents grass from invading the garden area.

Remember: Make sure that your plant choices and garden layout do not obstruct access to the mailbox for postal workers. Keep the area around the front of the mailbox clear.

Ready to Turn Your Curbside Appeal Into Reality?

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